
2017年9月26日 移動夕拝





新共同 ミカ 7:1-8

7:1 悲しいかな/わたしは夏の果物を集める者のように/ぶどうの残りを摘む者のようになった。もはや、食べられるぶどうの実はなく/わたしの好む初なりのいちじくもない。

7:2 主の慈しみに生きる者はこの国から滅び/人々の中に正しい者はいなくなった。皆、ひそかに人の命をねらい/互いに網で捕らえようとする。

7:3 彼らの手は悪事にたけ/役人も裁判官も報酬を目当てとし/名士も私欲をもって語る。しかも、彼らはそれを包み隠す。

7:4 彼らの中の最善の者も茨のようであり/正しい者も茨の垣に劣る。お前の見張りの者が告げる日/お前の刑罰の日が来た。今や、彼らに大混乱が起こる。

7:5 隣人を信じてはならない。親しい者にも信頼するな。お前のふところに安らう女にも/お前の口の扉を守れ。

7:6 息子は父を侮り/娘は母に、嫁はしゅうとめに立ち向かう。人の敵はその家の者だ。

7:7 しかし、わたしは主を仰ぎ/わが救いの神を待つ。わが神は、わたしの願いを聞かれる。


7:8 わたしの敵よ、わたしのことで喜ぶな。たとえ倒れても、わたしは起き上がる。たとえ闇の中に座っていても/主こそわが光。

TEV ミカ 7:1-8

7:1 It's hopeless! I am like a hungry person who finds no fruit left on the trees and no grapes on the vines. All the grapes and all the tasty figs have been picked.

7:2 There is not an honest person left in the land, no one loyal to God. Everyone is waiting for a chance to commit murder. Everyone hunts down their own people.

7:3 They are all experts at doing evil. Officials and judges ask for bribes. The influential people tell them what they want, and so they scheme together.

7:4 Even the best and most honest of them are as worthless as weeds. /The day has come when God will punish the people, as he warned them through their watchmen, the prophets. Now they are in confusion.

7:5 Don't believe your neighbor or trust your friend. Be careful what you say even to your husband or wife.

7:6 In these times sons treat their fathers like fools, daughters oppose their mothers, and young women quarrel with their mothers-in-law; your enemies are the members of your own family.

7:7 But I will watch for the Lord; I will wait confidently for God, who will save me. My God will hear me.

7:8 Our enemies have no reason to gloat over us. We have fallen, but we will rise again. We are in darkness now, but the Lord will give us light.