
2018年1月19日 夕拝





新共同 エレ 49:1-39

49:1 アンモンの人々に向かって/主はこう言われる。イスラエルには息子がいないのか/跡を継ぐ者がいないのか。なぜ、ミルコムがガドを占領し/その民が、ガドの町々に住んでいるのか。

49:2 それゆえ、わたしがアンモンのラバに向かって/鬨の声を聞かせる日が来る、と主は言われる。この町は廃虚となり/周囲の町々は火で焼かれる。イスラエルは、自分を追い出した者たちを/追い出す、と主は言われる。

49:3 ヘシュボンよ、嘆け。アイは滅びた。ラバの娘らよ、泣き叫べ、粗布をまとって泣け。壁の中を歩き回るがよい。ミルコムの像が、その祭司と役人たちと共に/捕囚に連れ去られるからだ。

49:4 背信の娘よ/なぜ、お前の谷、豊かな谷を誇るのか。お前は自分の宝に頼り/誰がわたしを攻撃しうるか、と言っている。

49:5 見よ、わたしは恐れを/四方からお前に臨ませると/万軍の主なる神は言われる。お前たちは、ちりぢりに追われ/逃げる者を集める者はない。

49:6 この後/わたしはアンモンの人々の繁栄を回復すると/主は言われる。

49:7 エドムに向かって/万軍の主はこう言われる。テマンには、もはや知恵がないのか/知者たちの策略は尽きたのか/彼らの知恵は消えうせたのか。

49:8 デダンの住民たちよ。逃げよ、退け、深い谷に隠れよ。なぜなら、わたしがエサウに災いを/彼を罰する時を来させるからだ。

49:9 ぶどうを取り入れる者が来れば/ひと房も残すことはない。盗人が夜来れば/欲しいものをすべて持って行く。

49:10 このわたしもエサウを身ぐるみはがして/隠れがを暴いた。彼は身を隠すことができない。彼の子孫は滅びた。親族も隣人も失われて、だれも

49:11 「あなたのみなしごを置いて行け/わたしが育てる。あなたのやもめらをわたしにゆだねよ」と/言う者はない。

49:12 主はこう言われる。「わたしの怒りの杯を、飲まなくてもよい者すら飲まされるのに、お前が罰を受けずに済むだろうか。そうはいかない。必ず罰せられ、必ず飲まねばならない。

49:13 わたしは自分自身にかけて誓う、と主は言われる。ボツラは、廃虚となり、恐怖、恥辱、ののしりの的となる。その町々は皆、とこしえの廃虚となる。」

49:14 わたしは主から知らせを聞いた。使者が諸国へ遣わされ/「集まれ、エドムを攻めよ。戦いに出よ」と言う。

49:15 見よ、わたしはお前を諸国のうちで/最も小さいものとする。お前は人々にさげすまれる。

49:16 岩の裂け目にいる者よ/丘の頂に立てこもる者らよ/お前の脅しもうぬぼれもお前を支えはしない。お前が鷲のように高い所に巣を造っても/わたしはお前をそこから引き降ろすと/主は言われる。

49:17 こうして、エドムは恐怖の的となり、そばを通る者は皆恐れ、その破壊を見て嘲る。

49:18 ソドム、ゴモラと周囲の町々が覆されたときのように、そこには、だれひとり住む者はなくなり、宿る者もいなくなる、と主は言われる。

49:19 見よ、獅子がヨルダンの森から/緑の牧場に躍り出るように/わたしはエドムを襲い/一瞬のうちに彼らを追い散らし/わたしが選んだ者に、そこを守らせる。誰か、わたしのような者がいるだろうか。誰が、わたしを召喚するだろうか。羊飼いのうち誰が、わたしに挑むだろうか。

49:20 それゆえ、主がエドムに対して練られた計画/テマンの住民に対して定められた企てを聞け。羊の群れの幼いものまで引きずられて行く。牧場は、このことのゆえに恐れおののく。

49:21 彼らの倒れる音で大地は揺れ動く。叫びの声は葦の海でも聞こえる。

49:22 見よ、敵は鷲のように舞い上がり、速く飛んで来て、ボツラに向かって翼を広げる。その日には、エドムの勇士の心は、子を産む女の心のようにおののく。

49:23 ダマスコに向かって。ハマトとアルパドは、悪い知らせを聞いて/うろたえている。安らうことのない海のように/彼らは不安におののいている。

49:24 ダマスコは力を失い、身を翻して逃れた。おののきが彼女に臨んだ。子を産む女のように激しい痛みが/彼女をとらえた。

49:25 栄えある都、わが喜びの町は/どうして捨てられたのか。

49:26 それゆえ、その日には、ダマスコの若者たちは広場で倒れ、兵士は皆、息絶えて静かになる、と万軍の主は言われる。

49:27 わたしはダマスコの城壁に火をつけ/火はベン・ハダドの城郭をなめ尽くす。

49:28 ケダルに向かって。また、ハツォルの諸国に向かって。これらは、バビロンの王ネブカドレツァルが撃ち破った国々である。主はこう言われる。立て、ケダルに向かって攻め上れ。東の人々を滅ぼせ。

49:29 彼らの天幕と羊の群れは奪われる/天幕の垂れ幕も道具もひとつ残らず。らくだは奪われ/敵は大声で呼ばわる。「恐れが四方から迫る」と。

49:30 ハツォルの住民よ/逃げよ、落ち延びよ/深い谷に隠れよ、と主は言われる。バビロンの王ネブカドレツァルが、お前たちを攻める計画を練り、お前たちを滅ぼす企てを立てているからだ。

49:31 立て、攻め上れ。安らかに暮らしている/穏やかな国に向かって、と主は言われる。この国は、城門もかんぬきも備えることなく/ひとり離れて住んでいる。

49:32 彼らのらくだは略奪され/家畜の群れは戦利品となる。わたしは、もみ上げの毛を切っている人々を/四方に吹き散らし/あらゆる方向から災いを来させると/主は言われる。

49:33 こうして、ハツォルはジャッカルの住みかとなり/永久に廃虚となる。そこには、だれひとり住む者はなくなり/宿る人もなくなる。

49:34 エラムに向かって。ユダの王ゼデキヤの治世の初めに、預言者エレミヤに臨んだ主の言葉。

49:35 万軍の主はこう言われる。わたしは、エラムの弓/彼らの最上の武器を折る。

49:36 わたしはエラムに向かって/天の四隅から、四方の風を吹きかける。わたしが彼らをこの風で吹き散らすので/エラムの難民が逃れて来ない国はなくなる。

49:37 わたしはエラムを敵の前でおびえさせる/彼らの命を求める者らの前で。わたしは彼らに災いを臨ませる。わたしの激しい怒りを、と主は言われる。わたしは彼らの後ろに剣を送る/彼らを滅ぼし尽くすまで。

49:38 わたしはエラムから王と貴族を滅ぼし/そこに、わたしの王座を据えると/主は言われる。

49:39 しかし、終わりの日に/わたしはエラムの繁栄を回復すると/主は言われる。

TEV エレ 49:1-39

49:1 This is what the Lord said about Ammon: "Where are the men of Israel? Is there no one to defend their land? Why have they let the people who worship Molech take the territory of the tribe of Gad and settle there?

49:2 But the time is coming when I will make the people of the capital city of Rabbah hear the noise of battle, and it will be left in ruins and its villages burned to the ground. Then Israel will take its land back from those who took it from them.

49:3 People of Heshbon, cry out! Ai is destroyed! Women of Rabbah, go into mourning! Put on sackcloth and mourn. Run about in confusion. Your god Molech will be taken into exile, together with his priests and princes.

49:4 Why do you unfaithful people boast? Your strength is failing. Why do you trust in your power and say that no one would dare attack you?

49:5 I will bring terror on you from every side. You will all run away. Each one will run for his life, and there will be no one to bring your troops together again.

49:6 "But later on I will make Ammon prosperous again. I, the Lord, have spoken."

49:7 This is what the Lord Almighty said about Edom: "Have the people of Edom lost their good judgment? Can their advisers no longer tell them what to do? Has all their wisdom disappeared?

49:8 People of Dedan, turn and run! Hide! I am going to destroy Esau's descendants because the time has come for me to punish them.

49:9 When people pick grapes, they leave a few on the vines, and when robbers come at night, they take only what they want.

49:10 But I have stripped Esau's descendants completely and uncovered their hiding places, so that they can no longer hide. All the people of Edom are destroyed. Not one of them is left.

49:11 Leave your orphans with me, and I will take care of them. Your widows can depend on me.

49:12 "If even those who did not deserve to be punished had to drink from the cup of punishment, do you think that you will go unpunished? No, you must drink from the cup!

49:13 I myself have sworn that the city of Bozrah will become a horrifying sight and a desert; people will make fun of it and use its name as a curse. All the nearby villages will be in ruins forever. I, the Lord, have spoken."

49:14 I said, "Edom, I have received a message from the Lord. He has sent a messenger to tell the nations to assemble their armies and to get ready to attack you.

49:15 The Lord is going to make you weak, and no one will respect you.

49:16 Your pride has deceived you. No one fears you as much as you think they do. You live on the rocky cliffs, high on top of the mountain; but even though you live as high up as an eagle, the Lord will bring you down. The Lord has spoken."

49:17 The Lord said, "The destruction that will come on Edom will be so terrible that everyone who passes by will be shocked and terrified.

49:18 The same thing will happen to Edom that happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, when they and the nearby towns were destroyed. No one will ever live there again. I, the Lord, have spoken.

49:19 Like a lion coming out of the thick woods along the Jordan River up to the green pasture land, I will come and make the Edomites run away suddenly from their country. Then the leader I choose will rule the nation. Who can be compared to me? Who would dare challenge me? What ruler could oppose me?

49:20 So listen to the plan that I have made against the people of Edom, and to what I intend to do to the people of the city of Teman. Even their children will be dragged off, and everyone will be horrified.

49:21 When Edom falls, there will be such a noise that the entire earth will shake, and the cries of alarm will be heard as far away as the Gulf of Aqaba.

49:22 The enemy will attack Bozrah like an eagle swooping down with outspread wings. On that day Edom's soldiers will be as frightened as a woman in labor."

49:23 This is what the Lord said about Damascus: "The people in the cities of Hamath and Arpad are worried and troubled because they have heard bad news. Anxiety rolls over them like a sea, and they cannot rest.

49:24 The people of Damascus are weak and have fled in terror. They are in pain and misery like a woman in labor.

49:25 The famous city that used to be happy is completely deserted.

49:26 On that day her young men will be killed in the city streets, and all her soldiers destroyed.

49:27 I will set the walls of Damascus on fire and will burn down King Benhadad's palaces. I, the Lord Almighty, have spoken."

49:28 This is what the Lord said about the tribe of Kedar and the districts controlled by Hazor, which were conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia: "Attack the people of Kedar and destroy that tribe of eastern people!

49:29 Seize their tents and their flocks, their tent curtains and everything in their tents. Take their camels and tell the people, "Terror is all around you!'

49:30 "People of Hazor, I, the Lord, warn you to run far away and hide. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia has plotted against you, and this is what he says,

49:31 "Come on! We'll attack those people that feel safe and secure! Their city has no gates or locks and is completely unprotected.'

49:32 "Take their camels and all their livestock! I will scatter in every direction those people who cut their hair short, and I will bring disaster on them from every side.

49:33 Hazor will be made a desert forever, a place where only jackals live. No one will ever live there again. I, the Lord, have spoken."

49:34 Soon after Zedekiah became king of Judah, the Lord Almighty spoke to me about the country of Elam.

49:35 He said, "I will kill all the archers who have made Elam so powerful.

49:36 I will make winds blow against Elam from all directions, and I will scatter her people everywhere, until there is no country where her refugees have not gone.

49:37 I will make the people of Elam afraid of their enemies, who want to kill them. In my great anger I will destroy the people of Elam and send armies against them until I have wiped them out.

49:38 I will destroy their kings and leaders, and set up my throne there.

49:39 But later on I will make the people of Elam prosperous again. I, the Lord, have spoken."