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新共同 イザ 3:1-26

3:1 見よ、主なる万軍の神は/支えとなり、頼みとなる者を/また、パンによる支え、水による支えをも/エルサレムとユダから取り去られる。

3:2 勇士と戦士、裁きを行う者と預言者/占い師と長老

3:3 五十人の長と尊敬される者/参議、魔術師、呪術師などを取り去られる。

3:4 わたしは若者を支配者にした。気ままな者が国を治めるようになる。

3:5 民は隣人どうしで虐げ合う。若者は長老に、卑しい者は尊い者に無礼を働く。

3:6 人は父の家で兄弟に取りすがって言う。「お前にはまだ上着がある。我らの指導者になり/この破滅の始末をしてくれ」と。

3:7 だがその日には、彼も声をあげる。「わたしにも手当てはできない。家にはパンもなければ上着もない。わたしを民の指導者にしてもだめだ」と。

3:8 エルサレムはよろめき、ユダは倒れた。彼らは舌と行いをもって主に敵対し/その栄光のまなざしに逆らった。

3:9 彼らの表情が既に証言している。ソドムのような彼らの罪を表して、隠さない。災いだ、彼らは悪の報いを受ける。

3:10 しかし言え、主に従う人は幸い、と。彼らは自分の行いの実を食べることができる。

3:11 主に逆らう悪人は災いだ。彼らはその手の業に応じて報いを受ける。

3:12 わたしの民は、幼子に追い使われ/女に支配されている。わたしの民よ/お前たちを導く者は、迷わせる者で/行くべき道を乱す。

3:13 主は争うために構え/民を裁くために立たれる。

3:14 主は裁きに臨まれる/民の長老、支配者らに対して。「お前たちはわたしのぶどう畑を食い尽くし/貧しい者から奪って家を満たした。

3:15 何故、お前たちはわたしの民を打ち砕き/貧しい者の顔を臼でひきつぶしたのか」と/主なる万軍の神は言われる。

3:16 主は言われる。シオンの娘らは高慢で、首を伸ばして歩く。流し目を使い、気取って小股で歩き/足首の飾りを鳴らしている。

3:17 主はシオンの娘らの頭をかさぶたで覆い/彼女らの額をあらわにされるであろう。

3:18 その日には、主は飾られた美しさを奪われる。足首の飾り、額の飾り、三日月形の飾り、

3:19 耳輪、腕輪、ベール、

3:20 頭飾り、すね飾り、飾り帯、匂袋、お守り、

3:21 指輪、鼻輪、

3:22 晴れ着、肩掛け、スカーフ、手提げ袋、

3:23 紗の衣、亜麻布の肌着、ターバン、ストールなどを。

3:24 芳香は悪臭となり、帯は縄に変わり/編んだ髪はそり落とされ/晴れ着は粗布に変わり/美しさは恥に変わる。

3:25 シオンの男らは剣に倒れ/勇士は戦いに倒れる。

3:26 シオンの城門は嘆き悲しみ/奪い尽くされて、彼女は地に座る。

TEV イザ 3:1-26

3:1 Now the Lord, the Almighty Lord, is about to take away from Jerusalem and Judah everything and everyone that the people depend on. He is going to take away their food and their water,

3:2 their heroes and their soldiers, their judges and their prophets, their fortunetellers and their statesmen,

3:3 their military and civilian leaders, their politicians and everyone who uses magic to control events.

3:4 The Lord will let the people be governed by immature boys.

3:5 Everyone will take advantage of everyone else. Young people will not respect their elders, and worthless people will not respect their superiors.

3:6 A time will come when the members of a clan will choose one of their number and say to him, "You at least have something to wear, so be our leader in this time of trouble."

3:7 But he will answer, "Not me! I can't help you. I don't have any food or clothes either. Don't make me your leader!"

3:8 Yes, Jerusalem is doomed! Judah is collapsing! Everything they say and do is against the Lord; they openly insult God himself.

3:9 Their prejudices will be held against them. They sin as openly as the people of Sodom did. They are doomed, and they have brought it on themselves.

3:10 The righteous will be happy, and things will go well for them. They will get to enjoy what they have worked for.

3:11 But evil people are doomed; what they have done to others will now be done to them.

3:12 Moneylenders oppress my people, and their creditors cheat them. /My people, your leaders are misleading you, so that you do not know which way to turn.

3:13 The Lord is ready to state his case; he is ready to judge his people.

3:14 The Lord is bringing the elders and leaders of his people to judgment. He makes this accusation: "You have plundered vineyards, and your houses are full of what you have taken from the poor.

3:15 You have no right to crush my people and take advantage of the poor. I, the Sovereign Lord Almighty, have spoken."

3:16 The Lord said, "Look how proud the women of Jerusalem are! They walk along with their noses in the air. They are always flirting. They take dainty little steps, and the bracelets on their ankles jingle.

3:17 But I will punish them-I will shave their heads and leave them bald."

3:18 A day is coming when the Lord will take away from the women of Jerusalem everything they are so proud of-the ornaments they wear on their ankles, on their heads, on their necks,

3:19 and on their wrists. He will take away their veils

3:20 and their hats; the magic charms they wear on their arms and at their waists;

3:21 the rings they wear on their fingers and in their noses;

3:22 all their fine robes, gowns, cloaks, and purses;

3:23 their revealing garments, their linen handkerchiefs, and the scarves and long veils they wear on their heads.

3:24 Instead of using perfumes, they will stink; instead of fine belts, they will wear coarse ropes; instead of having beautiful hair, they will be bald; instead of fine clothes, they will be dressed in rags; their beauty will be turned to shame!

3:25 The men of the city, yes, even the strongest men, will be killed in war.

3:26 The city gates will mourn and cry, and the city itself will be like a woman sitting on the ground, stripped naked.