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新共同 申  32:11-18

32:11 鷲が巣を揺り動かし/雛の上を飛びかけり/羽を広げて捕らえ/翼に乗せて運ぶように

32:12 ただ主のみ、その民を導き/外国の神は彼と共にいなかった。

32:13 主はこれを丘陵の地に導き上り/野の作物で養い/岩から野蜜を/硬い岩から油を得させられた。

32:14 彼らは、牛の凝乳、羊の乳/雄羊の脂身/バシャンの雄牛と雄山羊/極上の小麦を与えられ/深紅のぶどう酒、泡立つ酒を飲んだ。

32:15 エシュルンはしかし、肥えると足でけった。お前は肥え太ると、かたくなになり/造り主なる神を捨て、救いの岩を侮った。

32:16 彼らは他の神々に心を寄せ/主にねたみを起こさせ/いとうべきことを行って、主を怒らせた。

32:17 彼らは神ならぬ悪霊に犠牲をささげ/新しく現れ、先祖も知らなかった/無縁の神々に犠牲をささげた。

32:18 お前は自分を産み出した岩を思わず/産みの苦しみをされた神を忘れた。

TEV 申  32:11-18

32:11 Like an eagle teaching its young to fly, /catching them safely on its spreading wings, /the Lord kept Israel from falling.

32:12 The Lord alone led his people /without the help of a foreign god.

32:13 "He let them rule the highlands, /and they ate what grew in the fields. /They found wild honey among the rocks; /their olive trees flourished in stony ground.

32:14 Their cows and goats gave plenty of milk; /they had the best sheep, goats, and cattle, /the finest wheat, and the choicest wine.

32:15 "The Lord's people grew rich, but rebellious; /they were fat and stuffed with food. /They abandoned God their Creator /and rejected their mighty savior.

32:16 Their idolatry made the Lord jealous; /the evil they did made him angry.

32:17 They sacrificed to gods that are not real, /new gods their ancestors had never known, /gods that Israel had never obeyed.

32:18 They forgot their God, their mighty savior, /the one who had given them life.