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新共同 Tサム22:1-23

22:1 ダビデはそこを出て、アドラムの洞窟に難を避けた。それを聞いた彼の兄弟や父の家の者は皆、彼のもとに下って来た。

22:2 また、困窮している者、負債のある者、不満を持つ者も皆彼のもとに集まり、ダビデは彼らの頭領になった。四百人ほどの者が彼の周りにいた。

22:3 ダビデはモアブのミツパに行き、モアブの王に頼んだ。「神がわたしをどのようになさるか分かるまで、わたしの父母をあなたたちのもとに行かせてください。」

22:4 モアブ王に託されたダビデの両親は、ダビデが要害に立てこもっている間、モアブ王のもとにとどまった。

22:5 預言者ガドが、「要害にとどまらず、ユダの地に出て行きなさい」と言ったので、ダビデはハレトの森に移って行った。

22:6 サウルは、ダビデとその仲間の者たちが姿を見せたと聞かされた。サウルは、手に槍を持って、ギブアにある丘のぎょりゅうの木陰に座っていた。彼の家臣は皆、傍らに立っていた。

22:7 サウルは傍らに立っている家臣に言った。「ベニヤミンの子らよ、聞くがよい。エッサイの子が、お前たち皆に畑やぶどう畑を与え、皆を千人隊の長や、百人隊の長にするであろうか。

22:8 お前たちは皆、一団となってわたしに背き、わたしの息子とエッサイの子が契約を結んでもわたしの耳に入れない。息子がわたしの僕をわたしに刃向かわせ、今日のようにわたしをねらわせても、憂慮もしないし、わたしの耳に入れもしない。」

22:9 サウルの家臣のそばに立っていたエドム人ドエグが答えた。「エッサイの子が、ノブにいるアヒトブの子アヒメレクのところに来たのを見ました。

22:10 アヒメレクは彼のために主に託宣を求め、食糧を渡し、ペリシテ人ゴリアトの剣を与えました。」

22:11 サウルは人をやって、祭司であるアヒトブの子アヒメレクと、ノブで祭司職にある彼の父の家の者をすべて呼び出した。彼らは皆、王のもとに来た。

22:12 サウルは言った。「アヒトブの子よ、聞くがよい。」彼は「はい、御主人様」と答えた。

22:13 サウルは言った。「何故、お前はエッサイの子と組んでわたしに背き、彼にパンや剣を与え、神に託宣を求めてやり、今日のようにわたしに刃向かわせ、わたしをねらわせるようなことをしたのか。」

22:14 アヒメレクは王に答えた。「あなたの家臣の中に、ダビデほど忠実な者がいるでしょうか。ダビデは王様の婿、近衛の長、あなたの家で重んじられている者ではありませんか。

22:15 彼のため神に託宣を求めたのはあの折が初めてでしょうか。決してそうではありません。王様、僕と父の家の者に罪をきせないでください。僕は事の大小を問わず、何も知らなかったのです。」

22:16 王は、「アヒメレクよ、お前も父の家の者も皆、死罪だ」と言い、

22:17 傍らに立っている近衛兵に命じた。「行って主の祭司たちを殺せ。彼らもダビデに味方し、彼が逃亡中なのを知りながら、わたしの耳に入れなかったのだ。」だが、王の家臣は、その手を下して主の祭司を討とうとはしなかった。

22:18 王はドエグに、「お前が行って祭司らを討て」と命じたので、エドム人ドエグが行って祭司らを討った。こうして、サウルはその日、亜麻布のエフォドを身に着けた者八十五人を殺し、

22:19 また祭司の町ノブを剣で撃ち、男も女も、子供も乳飲み子も、牛もろばも羊も剣にかけた。

22:20 アヒトブの子アヒメレクの息子が一人、難を免れた。アビアタルという名で、彼はダビデのもとに逃れた。

22:21 アビアタルは、サウルが主の祭司たちを殺した、とダビデに伝えた。

22:22 ダビデはアビアタルに言った。「あの日、わたしはあの場に居合わせたエドム人ドエグが必ずサウルに報告するだろう、と気づいていた。わたしがあなたの父上の家の者すべての命を奪わせてしまったのだ。

22:23 わたしのもとにとどまっていなさい。恐れることはない。わたしの命をねらう者はあなたの命をもねらう。わたしのもとにいれば、あなたは安全だ。」

TEV Tサム22:1-23

22:1 David fled from the city of Gath and went to a cave near the town of Adullam. When his brothers and the rest of the family heard that he was there, they joined him.

22:2 People who were oppressed or in debt or dissatisfied went to him, about four hundred men in all, and he became their leader.

22:3 David went on from there to Mizpah in Moab and said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother come and stay with you until I find out what God is going to do for me."

22:4 So David left his parents with the king of Moab, and they stayed there as long as David was hiding out in the cave.

22:5 Then the prophet Gad came to David and said, "Don't stay here; go at once to the land of Judah." So David left and went to the forest of Hereth.

22:6 One day Saul was in Gibeah, sitting under a tamarisk tree on a hill, with his spear in his hand, and all his officers were standing around him. He was told that David and his men had been located,

22:7 and he said to his officers, "Listen, men of Benjamin! Do you think that David will give fields and vineyards to all of you, and make you officers in his army?

22:8 Is that why you are plotting against me? Not one of you told me that my own son had made an alliance with David. No one is concerned about me or tells me that David, one of my own men, is right now looking for a chance to kill me, and that my son has encouraged him!"

22:9 Doeg was standing there with Saul's officers, and he said, "I saw David when he went to Ahimelech son of Ahitub in Nob.

22:10 Ahimelech asked the Lord what David should do, and then he gave David some food and the sword of Goliath the Philistine."

22:11 So King Saul sent for the priest Ahimelech and all his relatives, who were also priests in Nob, and they came to him.

22:12 Saul said to Ahimelech, "Listen, Ahimelech!" /"At your service, sir," he answered.

22:13 Saul asked him, "Why are you and David plotting against me? Why did you give him some food and a sword, and consult God for him? Now he has turned against me and is waiting for a chance to kill me!"

22:14 Ahimelech answered, "David is the most faithful officer you have! He is your own son-in-law, captain of your bodyguard, and highly respected by everyone in the royal court.

22:15 Yes, I consulted God for him, and it wasn't the first time. As for plotting against you, Your Majesty must not accuse me or anyone else in my family. I don't know anything about this matter!"

22:16 The king said, "Ahimelech, you and all your relatives must die."

22:17 Then he said to the guards standing near him, "Kill the Lord's priests! They conspired with David and did not tell me that he had run away, even though they knew it all along." But the guards refused to lift a hand to kill the Lord's priests.

22:18 So Saul said to Doeg, "You kill them!"-and Doeg killed them all. On that day he killed eighty-five priests who were qualified to carry the ephod.

22:19 Saul also had all the other inhabitants of Nob, the city of priests, put to death: men and women, children and babies, cattle, donkeys, and sheep-they were all killed.

22:20 But Abiathar, one of Ahimelech's sons, escaped, and went and joined David.

22:21 He told him how Saul had slaughtered the priests of the Lord.

22:22 David said to him, "When I saw Doeg there that day, I knew that he would be sure to tell Saul. So I am responsible for the death of all your relatives.

22:23 Stay with me and don't be afraid. Saul wants to kill both you and me, but you will be safe with me."