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新共同 Tコリ7:25-40

7:25 未婚の人たちについて、わたしは主の指示を受けてはいませんが、主の憐れみにより信任を得ている者として、意見を述べます。

7:26 今危機が迫っている状態にあるので、こうするのがよいとわたしは考えます。つまり、人は現状にとどまっているのがよいのです。

7:27 妻と結ばれているなら、そのつながりを解こうとせず、妻と結ばれていないなら妻を求めてはいけない。

7:28 しかし、あなたが、結婚しても、罪を犯すわけではなく、未婚の女が結婚しても、罪を犯したわけではありません。ただ、結婚する人たちはその身に苦労を負うことになるでしょう。わたしは、あなたがたにそのような苦労をさせたくないのです。

7:29 兄弟たち、わたしはこう言いたい。定められた時は迫っています。今からは、妻のある人はない人のように、

7:30 泣く人は泣かない人のように、喜ぶ人は喜ばない人のように、物を買う人は持たない人のように、

7:31 世の事にかかわっている人は、かかわりのない人のようにすべきです。この世の有様は過ぎ去るからです。

7:32 思い煩わないでほしい。独身の男は、どうすれば主に喜ばれるかと、主のことに心を遣いますが、

7:33 結婚している男は、どうすれば妻に喜ばれるかと、世の事に心を遣い、

7:34 心が二つに分かれてしまいます。独身の女や未婚の女は、体も霊も聖なる者になろうとして、主のことに心を遣いますが、結婚している女は、どうすれば夫に喜ばれるかと、世の事に心を遣います。

7:35 このようにわたしが言うのは、あなたがたのためを思ってのことで、決してあなたがたを束縛するためではなく、品位のある生活をさせて、ひたすら主に仕えさせるためなのです。

7:36 もし、ある人が自分の相手である娘に対して、情熱が強くなり、その誓いにふさわしくないふるまいをしかねないと感じ、それ以上自分を抑制できないと思うなら、思いどおりにしなさい。罪を犯すことにはなりません。二人は結婚しなさい。

7:37 しかし、心にしっかりした信念を持ち、無理に思いを抑えつけたりせずに、相手の娘をそのままにしておこうと決心した人は、そうしたらよいでしょう。

7:38 要するに、相手の娘と結婚する人はそれで差し支えありませんが、結婚しない人の方がもっとよいのです。

7:39 妻は夫が生きている間は夫に結ばれていますが、夫が死ねば、望む人と再婚してもかまいません。ただし、相手は主に結ばれている者に限ります。

7:40 しかし、わたしの考えによれば、そのままでいる方がずっと幸福です。わたしも神の霊を受けていると思います。

TEV Tコリ7:25-40

7:25 Now, concerning what you wrote about unmarried people: I do not have a command from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is worthy of trust.

7:26 Considering the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is.

7:27 Do you have a wife? Then don't try to get rid of her. Are you unmarried? Then don't look for a wife.

7:28 But if you do marry, you haven't committed a sin; and if an unmarried woman marries, she hasn't committed a sin. But I would rather spare you the everyday troubles that married people will have.

7:29 What I mean, my friends, is this: there is not much time left, and from now on married people should live as though they were not married;

7:30 those who weep, as though they were not sad; those who laugh, as though they were not happy; those who buy, as though they did not own what they bought;

7:31 those who deal in material goods, as though they were not fully occupied with them. For this world, as it is now, will not last much longer.

7:32 I would like you to be free from worry. An unmarried man concerns himself with the Lord's work, because he is trying to please the Lord.

7:33 But a married man concerns himself with worldly matters, because he wants to please his wife;

7:34 and so he is pulled in two directions. An unmarried woman or a virgin concerns herself with the Lord's work, because she wants to be dedicated both in body and spirit; but a married woman concerns herself with worldly matters, because she wants to please her husband.

7:35 I am saying this because I want to help you. I am not trying to put restrictions on you. Instead, I want you to do what is right and proper, and to give yourselves completely to the Lord's service without any reservation.

7:36 In the case of an engaged couple who have decided not to marry: if the man feels that he is not acting properly toward the young woman and if his passions are too strong and he feels that they ought to marry, then they should get married, as he wants to. There is no sin in this.

7:37 But if a man, without being forced to do so, has firmly made up his mind not to marry, and if he has his will under complete control and has already decided in his own mind what to do-then he does well not to marry the young woman.

7:38 So the man who marries does well, but the one who doesn't marry does even better.

7:39 A married woman is not free as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, then she is free to be married to any man she wishes, but only if he is a Christian.

7:40 She will be happier, however, if she stays as she is. That is my opinion, and I think that I too have God's Spirit.