新共同 ヨハ 9:11-35
9:11 彼は答えた。「イエスという方が、土をこねてわたしの目に塗り、『シロアムに行って洗いなさい』と言われました。そこで、行って洗ったら、見えるようになったのです。」
9:12 人々が「その人はどこにいるのか」と言うと、彼は「知りません」と言った。
9:13 人々は、前に盲人であった人をファリサイ派の人々のところへ連れて行った。
9:14 イエスが土をこねてその目を開けられたのは、安息日のことであった。
9:15 そこで、ファリサイ派の人々も、どうして見えるようになったのかと尋ねた。彼は言った。「あの方が、わたしの目にこねた土を塗りました。そして、わたしが洗うと、見えるようになったのです。」
9:16 ファリサイ派の人々の中には、「その人は、安息日を守らないから、神のもとから来た者ではない」と言う者もいれば、「どうして罪のある人間が、こんなしるしを行うことができるだろうか」と言う者もいた。こうして、彼らの間で意見が分かれた。
9:17 そこで、人々は盲人であった人に再び言った。「目を開けてくれたということだが、いったい、お前はあの人をどう思うのか。」彼は「あの方は預言者です」と言った。
9:18 それでも、ユダヤ人たちはこの人について、盲人であったのに目が見えるようになったということを信じなかった。ついに、目が見えるようになった人の両親を呼び出して、
9:19 尋ねた。「この者はあなたたちの息子で、生まれつき目が見えなかったと言うのか。それが、どうして今は目が見えるのか。」
9:20 両親は答えて言った。「これがわたしどもの息子で、生まれつき目が見えなかったことは知っています。
9:21 しかし、どうして今、目が見えるようになったかは、分かりません。だれが目を開けてくれたのかも、わたしどもは分かりません。本人にお聞きください。もう大人ですから、自分のことは自分で話すでしょう。」
9:22 両親がこう言ったのは、ユダヤ人たちを恐れていたからである。ユダヤ人たちは既に、イエスをメシアであると公に言い表す者がいれば、会堂から追放すると決めていたのである。
9:23 両親が、「もう大人ですから、本人にお聞きください」と言ったのは、そのためである。
9:24 さて、ユダヤ人たちは、盲人であった人をもう一度呼び出して言った。「神の前で正直に答えなさい。わたしたちは、あの者が罪ある人間だと知っているのだ。」
9:25 彼は答えた。「あの方が罪人かどうか、わたしには分かりません。ただ一つ知っているのは、目の見えなかったわたしが、今は見えるということです。」
9:26 すると、彼らは言った。「あの者はお前にどんなことをしたのか。お前の目をどうやって開けたのか。」
9:27 彼は答えた。「もうお話ししたのに、聞いてくださいませんでした。なぜまた、聞こうとなさるのですか。あなたがたもあの方の弟子になりたいのですか。」
9:28 そこで、彼らはののしって言った。「お前はあの者の弟子だが、我々はモーセの弟子だ。
9:29 我々は、神がモーセに語られたことは知っているが、あの者がどこから来たのかは知らない。」
9:30 彼は答えて言った。「あの方がどこから来られたか、あなたがたがご存じないとは、実に不思議です。あの方は、わたしの目を開けてくださったのに。
9:31 神は罪人の言うことはお聞きにならないと、わたしたちは承知しています。しかし、神をあがめ、その御心を行う人の言うことは、お聞きになります。
9:32 生まれつき目が見えなかった者の目を開けた人がいるということなど、これまで一度も聞いたことがありません。
9:33 あの方が神のもとから来られたのでなければ、何もおできにならなかったはずです。」
9:34 彼らは、「お前は全く罪の中に生まれたのに、我々に教えようというのか」と言い返し、彼を外に追い出した。
9:35 イエスは彼が外に追い出されたことをお聞きになった。そして彼に出会うと、「あなたは人の子を信じるか」と言われた。
NKJV ヨハ 9:11-35
9:11 He answered and
said, "A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me,
'Go to the pool of Siloam and wash.' So I went and washed, and I received
9:12 Then they said to
him, "Where is He?" He said, "I do not know."
9:13 They brought him who
formerly was blind to the Pharisees.
9:14 Now it was a Sabbath
when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes.
9:15 Then the Pharisees
also asked him again how he had received his sight. He said to them, "He
put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see."
9:16 Therefore some of
the Pharisees said, "This Man is not from God, because He does not keep
the Sabbath." Others said, "How can a man who is a sinner do such
signs?" And there was a division among them.
9:17 They said to the
blind man again, "What do you say about Him because He opened your
eyes?" He said, "He is a prophet."
9:18 But the Jews did not
believe concerning him, that he had been blind and received his sight, until
they called the parents of him who had received his sight.
9:19 And they asked them,
saying, "Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he
now see?"
9:20 His parents answered
them and said, "We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;
9:21 "but by what
means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is
of age; ask him. He will speak for himself."
9:22 His parents said
these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that
if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue.
9:23 Therefore his
parents said, "He is of age; ask him."
9:24 So they again called
the man who was blind, and said to him, "Give God the glory! We know that
this Man is a sinner."
9:25 He answered and
said, "Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that
though I was blind, now I see."
9:26 Then they said to
him again, "What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?"
9:27 He answered them,
"I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it
again? Do you also want to become His disciples?"
9:28 Then they reviled
him and said, "You are His disciple, but we are Moses' disciples.
9:29 "We know that
God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from."
9:30 The man answered and
said to them, "Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know where
He is from; yet He has opened my eyes!
9:31 "Now we know
that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does
His will, He hears him.
9:32 "Since the
world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was
born blind.
9:33 "If this Man
were not from God, He could do nothing."
9:34 They answered and
said to him, "You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching
us?" And they cast him out.
9:35 Jesus heard that
they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, "Do you
believe in the Son of God?"
TEV ヨハ 9:11-35
9:11 He answered,
"The man called Jesus made some mud, rubbed it on my eyes, and told me to
go to Siloam and wash my face. So I went, and as soon as I washed, I could
9:12 "Where is
he?" they asked. /"I don't know," he answered.
9:13 Then they took to
the Pharisees the man who had been blind.
9:14 The day that Jesus
made the mud and cured him of his blindness was a Sabbath.
9:15 The Pharisees, then,
asked the man again how he had received his sight. He told them, "He put
some mud on my eyes; I washed my face, and now I can see."
9:16 Some of the
Pharisees said, "The man who did this cannot be from God, for he does not
obey the Sabbath law." /Others, however, said, "How could a man who
is a sinner perform such miracles as these?" And there was a division
among them.
9:17 So the Pharisees
asked the man once more, "You say he cured you of your blindness-well,
what do you say about him?" /"He is a prophet," the man
9:18 The Jewish
authorities, however, were not willing to believe that he had been blind and
could now see, until they called his parents
9:19 and asked them,
"Is this your son? You say that he was born blind; how is it, then, that
he can now see?"
9:20 His parents
answered, "We know that he is our son, and we know that he was born blind.
9:21 But we do not know
how it is that he is now able to see, nor do we know who cured him of his
blindness. Ask him; he is old enough, and he can answer for himself!"
9:22 His parents said
this because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities, who had already agreed
that anyone who said he believed that Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled
from the synagogue.
9:23 That is why his
parents said, "He is old enough; ask him!"
9:24 A second time they
called back the man who had been born blind, and said to him, "Promise
before God that you will tell the truth! We know that this man who cured you is
a sinner."
9:25 "I do not know
if he is a sinner or not," the man replied. "One thing I do know: I
was blind, and now I see."
9:26 "What did he do
to you?" they asked. "How did he cure you of your blindness?"
9:27 "I have already
told you," he answered, "and you would not listen. Why do you want to
hear it again? Maybe you, too, would like to be his disciples?"
9:28 They insulted him
and said, "You are that fellow's disciple; but we are Moses' disciples.
9:29 We know that God
spoke to Moses; as for that fellow, however, we do not even know where he comes
9:30 The man answered,
"What a strange thing that is! You do not know where he comes from, but he
cured me of my blindness!
9:31 We know that God
does not listen to sinners; he does listen to people who respect him and do
what he wants them to do.
9:32 Since the beginning
of the world nobody has ever heard of anyone giving sight to a person born
9:33 Unless this man came
from God, he would not be able to do a thing."
9:34 They answered,
"You were born and brought up in sin-and you are trying to teach us?"
And they expelled him from the synagogue.
9:35 When Jesus heard
what had happened, he found the man and asked him, "Do you believe in the
Son of Man?"