[新共同訳] 使徒言行録
16:6 さて、彼らはアジア州で御言葉を語ることを聖霊から禁じられたので、フリギア・ガラテヤ地方を通って行った。16:7 ミシア地方の近くまで行き、ビティニア州に入ろうとしたが、イエスの霊がそれを許さなかった。
[TEV] Acts
16:6 They traveled through the region of Phrygia and Galatia because the Holy Spirit did not let them preach the message in the province of Asia.
16:7 When they reached the border of Mysia, they tried to go into the province of Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.
[GREEK] Acts
16.6 Dih'lqon de; th;n Frugivan kai; Galatikh;n cwvran kwluqevnte" uJpo; tou' aJgivou pneuvmato" lalh'sai to;n lovgon ejn th'/ VAsiva/:
16.7 ejlqovnte" de; kata; th;nMusivanejpeivrazoneij" th;nBiqunivanporeuqh'nai, kai; oujkei[ asenaujtou;" to; pneu'maVIhsou':