[新共同訳]  使徒言行録

2:42 彼らは、使徒の教え、相互の交わり、パンを裂くこと、祈ることに熱心であった。

2:43 すべての人に恐れが生じた。使徒たちによって多くの不思議な業としるしが行われていたのである。2:44 信者たちは皆一つになって、すべての物を共有にし、

2:45 財産や持ち物を売り、おのおのの必要に応じて、皆がそれを分け合った。

2:46 そして、毎日ひたすら心を一つにして神殿に参り、家ごとに集まってパンを裂き、喜びと真心をもって一緒に食事をし、

2:47 神を賛美していたので、民衆全体から好意を寄せられた。こうして、主は救われる人々を日々仲間に加え一つにされたのである。 

[TEV]  Acts

2:42 They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and the prayers.

2:43 Many miracles and wonders were being done through the apostles, and everyone was filled with awe.

2:44 All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their belongings with one another.

2:45 They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the money among all, according to what each one needed.

2:46 Day after day they met as a group in the Temple, and they had their meals together in their homes, eating with glad and humble hearts,

2:47 praising God, and enjoying the good will of all the people. And every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.


[GREEK]  Acts

2.42 h\san de; proskarterou'nte" th'/ didach'/ tw'n ajpostovlwn kai; th'/ koinwniva/, th'/ klavsei tou' a[rtou kai; tai'" proseucai'".

2.43 VEgivneto de; pavsh/ yuch'/ fovbo", pollav te tevrata kai; shmei'a dia; tw'n ajpostovlwn ejgivneto.

2.44 pavnte" de; oiJ pisteuvonte" h\san ejpi; to; aujto; kai; ei\con a{panta koinav

2.45 kai; ta; kthvmata kai; ta;" uJpavrxei" ejpivpraskon kai; diemevrizon aujta; pa'sin kaqovti a[n ti" creivan ei\cen:

2.46 kaqV hJmevran te proskarterou'nte" oJmoqumado;n ejn tw'/ iJerw'/, klw'ntev" te katV oi\kon a[rton, metelavmbanon trofh'" ejn ajgalliavsei kai; ajfelovthti kardiva", v

2.47 aijnou'nte" to;n qeo;n kai; e[conte" cavrin pro;" o{lon to;n laovn. oJ de; kuvrio" prosetivqei tou;" sw/zomevnou" kaqV hJmevran ejpi; to; aujtov.