2章6節〜12節 (B)

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新共同 イザ 2:6-12

2:6 あなたは御自分の民、ヤコブの家を捨てられた。この民がペリシテ人のように/東方の占い師と魔術師を国に満たし/異国の子らと手を結んだからだ。

2:7 この国は銀と金とに満たされ/財宝には限りがない。この国は軍馬に満たされ/戦車には限りがない。

2:8 この国は偶像に満たされ/手の業、指の造った物にひれ伏す。

2:9 人間が卑しめられ、人はだれも低くされる。彼らをお赦しにならぬように。

2:10 岩の間に入り、塵の中に隠れよ/主の恐るべき御顔と、威光の輝きとを避けて。

2:11 その日には、人間の高ぶる目は低くされ/傲慢な者は卑しめられ/主はただひとり、高く上げられる。

2:12 万軍の主の日が臨む/すべて誇る者と傲慢な者に/すべて高ぶる者に――彼らは低くされる――

TEV イザ 2:6-12

2:6 O God, you have forsaken your people, the descendants of Jacob! The land is full of magic practices from the East and from Philistia. The people follow foreign customs.

2:7 Their land is full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their treasures. Their land is full of horses, and there is no end to their chariots.

2:8 Their land is full of idols, and they worship objects that they have made with their own hands.

2:9 Everyone will be humiliated and disgraced. Do not forgive them, Lord!

2:10 They will hide in caves in the rocky hills or dig holes in the ground to try to escape from the Lord's anger and to hide from his power and glory!

2:11 A day is coming when human pride will be ended and human arrogance destroyed. Then the Lord alone will be exalted.

2:12 On that day the Lord Almighty will humble everyone who is powerful, everyone who is proud and conceited.