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新共同 イザ 30:27-33

30:27 見よ、主の御名は遠くから来る/怒りに燃え、立ち昇る濃い煙を伴って。その唇は憤りに満ち/舌は焼き尽くす火のようだ。

30:28 主の霊は、首にまで達する水が/涸れ谷にみなぎり溢れるように臨む。主は国々を欺きのふるいでふるい/迷わす手綱を諸国民の顎にかけられる。

30:29 あなたたちは祭りを祝う夜のように歌い/笛に合わせて進む者のように心楽しみ/主の山に来て/イスラエルの岩なる神にまみえる。

30:30 主は威厳ある声を聞かせ/荒れ狂う怒り、焼き尽くす火の炎/打ちつける雨と石のような雹と共に/御腕を振り下ろし、それを示される。

30:31 主がその鞭をもって打たれるとき/アッシリアは主の声のゆえにおののく。

30:32 主が彼に下そうと定められた/杭の一打ちごとに/太鼓と竪琴が鳴らされ/主は御腕を振るって彼らと戦われる。

30:33 焼き場は既に用意され/王のために深く広く造られ/燃やすための木が積まれ/多くの薪が置かれ/主の息が焼き尽くす硫黄の流れのように/そこに臨む。

TEV イザ 30:27-33

30:27 The Lord's power and glory can be seen in the distance. Fire and smoke show his anger. He speaks, and his words burn like fire.

30:28 He sends the wind in front of him like a flood that carries everything away. It sweeps nations to destruction and puts an end to their evil plans.

30:29 But you, God's people, will be happy and sing as you do on the night of a sacred festival. You will be as happy as those who walk to the music of flutes on their way to the Temple of the Lord, the defender of Israel.

30:30 The Lord will let everyone hear his majestic voice and feel the force of his anger. There will be flames, cloudbursts, hailstones, and torrents of rain.

30:31 The Assyrians will be terrified when they hear the Lord's voice and feel the force of his punishment.

30:32 As the Lord strikes them again and again, his people will keep time with the music of drums and harps. God himself will fight against the Assyrians.

30:33 Long ago a place was prepared where a huge fire will burn the emperor of Assyria. It is deep and wide, and piled high with wood. The Lord will breathe out a stream of flame to set it on fire.