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新共同 Tサム31:1-13

31:1 ペリシテ軍はイスラエルと戦い、イスラエル兵はペリシテ軍の前から逃げ去り、傷ついた兵士たちがギルボア山上で倒れた。

31:2 ペリシテ軍はサウルとその息子たちに迫り、サウルの息子ヨナタン、アビナダブ、マルキ・シュアを討った。

31:3 サウルに対する攻撃も激しくなり、射手たちがサウルを見つけ、サウルは彼らによって深手を負った。

31:4 サウルは彼の武器を持つ従卒に命じた。「お前の剣を抜き、わたしを刺し殺してくれ。あの無割礼の者どもに襲われて刺し殺され、なぶりものにされたくない。」だが、従卒は非常に恐れ、そうすることができなかったので、サウルは剣を取り、その上に倒れ伏した。

31:5 従卒はサウルが死んだのを見ると、自分も剣の上に倒れ伏してサウルと共に死んだ。

31:6 この同じ日に、サウルとその三人の息子、従卒、更に彼の兵は皆死んだ。

31:7 谷の向こう側と、ヨルダンの向こう側のイスラエル人は、イスラエル兵が逃げ、サウルとその息子たちが死んだのを見ると、町をことごとく捨てて逃げ去ったので、ペリシテ軍が来てそこにとどまった。

31:8 翌日、戦死者からはぎ取ろうとやって来たペリシテ軍は、サウルとその三人の息子がギルボア山上に倒れているのを見つけた。

31:9 彼らはサウルの首を切り落とし、武具を奪った。ペリシテ全土に使者が送られ、彼らの偶像の神殿と民に戦勝が伝えられた。

31:10 彼らはサウルの武具をアシュトレト神殿に納め、その遺体をベト・シャンの城壁にさらした。

31:11 ギレアドのヤベシュの住民は、ペリシテ軍のサウルに対する仕打ちを聞いた。

31:12 戦士たちは皆立って、夜通し歩き、サウルとその息子たちの遺体をベト・シャンの城壁から取り下ろし、ヤベシュに持ち帰って火葬に付し、

31:13 彼らの骨を拾ってヤベシュのぎょりゅうの木の下に葬り、七日間、断食した。

TEV Tサム31:1-13

31:1 The Philistines fought a battle against the Israelites on Mount Gilboa. Many Israelites were killed there, and the rest of them, including King Saul and his sons, fled.

31:2 But the Philistines caught up with them and killed three of Saul's sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua.

31:3 The fighting was heavy around Saul, and he himself was hit by enemy arrows and badly wounded.

31:4 He said to the young man carrying his weapons, "Draw your sword and kill me, so that these godless Philistines won't gloat over me and kill me." But the young man was too terrified to do it. So Saul took his own sword and threw himself on it.

31:5 The young man saw that Saul was dead, so he too threw himself on his own sword and died with Saul.

31:6 And that is how Saul, his three sons, and the young man died; all of Saul's men died that day.

31:7 When the Israelites on the other side of Jezreel Valley and east of the Jordan River heard that the Israelite army had fled and that Saul and his sons had been killed, they abandoned their towns and fled. Then the Philistines came and occupied the towns.

31:8 The day after the battle the Philistines went to plunder the corpses, and they found the bodies of Saul and his three sons lying on Mount Gilboa.

31:9 They cut off Saul's head, stripped off his armor, and sent messengers with them throughout Philistia to tell the good news to their idols and to their people.

31:10 Then they put his weapons in the temple of the goddess Astarte, and they nailed his body to the wall of the city of Beth Shan.

31:11 When the people of Jabesh in Gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul,

31:12 the bravest men started out and marched all night to Beth Shan. They took down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall, brought them back to Jabesh, and burned them there.

31:13 Then they took the bones and buried them under the tamarisk tree in town, and fasted for seven days.