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新共同 エレ 9:1-26

9:1 荒れ野に旅人の宿を見いだせるものなら/わたしはこの民を捨て/彼らを離れ去るであろう。すべて、姦淫する者であり、裏切る者の集まりだ。

9:2 彼らは舌を弓のように引き絞り/真実ではなく偽りをもってこの地にはびこる。彼らは悪から悪へと進み/わたしを知ろうとしない、と主は言われる。

9:3 人はその隣人を警戒せよ。兄弟ですら信用してはならない。兄弟といっても/「押しのける者(ヤコブ)」であり/隣人はことごとく中傷して歩く。

9:4 人はその隣人を惑わし、まことを語らない。舌に偽りを語ることを教え/疲れるまで悪事を働く。

9:5 欺きに欺きを重ね/わたしを知ることを拒む、と主は言われる。

9:6 それゆえ、万軍の主はこう言われる。見よ、わたしは娘なるわが民を/火をもって溶かし、試す。まことに、彼らに対して何をすべきか。

9:7 彼らの舌は人を殺す矢/その口は欺いて語る。隣人に平和を約束していても/その心の中では、陥れようとたくらんでいる。

9:8 これらのことをわたしは罰せずにいられようかと/主は言われる。このような民に対し、わたしは必ずその悪に報いる。

9:9 山々で、悲しみ嘆く声をあげ/荒れ野の牧草地で、哀歌をうたえ。そこは焼き払われて、通り過ぎる人もなくなり/家畜の鳴く声も聞こえなくなる。空の鳥も家畜も、ことごとく逃れ去った。

9:10 わたしはエルサレムを瓦礫の山/山犬の住みかとし/ユダの町々を荒廃させる。そこに住む者はいなくなる。

9:11 知恵ある人はこれを悟れ。主の口が語られることを告げよ。何故、この地は滅びたのか。焼き払われて荒れ野となり/通り過ぎる人もいない。

9:12 主は言われる。「それは、彼らに与えたわたしの教えを彼らが捨て、わたしの声に聞き従わず、それによって歩むことをしなかったからだ。」

9:13 彼らは、そのかたくなな心に従い、また、先祖が彼らに教え込んだようにバアルに従って歩んだ。

9:14 それゆえ、イスラエルの神、万軍の主は言われる。「見よ、わたしはこの民に苦よもぎを食べさせ、毒の水を飲ませる。

9:15 彼らを、彼ら自身も先祖も知らなかった国々の中に散らし、その後から剣を送って彼らを滅ぼし尽くす。」

9:16 万軍の主はこう言われる。事態を見極め、泣き女を招いて、ここに来させよ。巧みな泣き女を迎えにやり、ここに来させよ。

9:17 急がせよ、我々のために嘆きの歌をうたわせよ。我々の目は涙を流し/まぶたは水を滴らせる。

9:18 嘆きの声がシオンから聞こえる。いかに、我々は荒らし尽くされたことか。甚だしく恥を受けたことか。まことに、我々はこの地を捨て/自分の住まいを捨て去った。

9:19 女たちよ、主の言葉を聞け。耳を傾けて、主の口の言葉を受け入れよ。あなたたちの仲間に、嘆きの歌を教え/互いに哀歌を学べ。

9:20 死は窓に這い上がり/城郭の中に入り込む。通りでは幼子を、広場では若者を滅ぼす。

9:21 このように告げよ、と主は言われる。人間のしかばねが野の面を/糞土のように覆っている。刈り入れる者の後ろに落ちて/集める者もない束のように。

9:22 主はこう言われる。知恵ある者は、その知恵を誇るな。力ある者は、その力を誇るな。富ある者は、その富を誇るな。

9:23 むしろ、誇る者は、この事を誇るがよい/目覚めてわたしを知ることを。わたしこそ主。この地に慈しみと正義と恵みの業を行う事/その事をわたしは喜ぶ、と主は言われる。

9:24 見よ、時が来る、と主は言われる。そのとき、わたしは包皮に割礼を受けた者を/ことごとく罰する。

9:25 エジプト、ユダ、エドム/アンモンの人々、モアブ/すべて荒れ野に住み/もみ上げの毛を切っている人々/すなわち割礼のない諸民族をことごとく罰し/また、心に割礼のないイスラエルの家を/すべて罰する。

TEV エレ 9:1-26

9:1 I wish my head were a well of water, /and my eyes a fountain of tears, /so that I could cry day and night /for my people who have been killed.

9:2 I wish I had a place to stay in the desert /where I could get away from my people. /They are all unfaithful, /a mob of traitors.

9:3 They are always ready to tell lies; /dishonesty instead of truth rules the land. /The Lord says, /"My people do one evil thing after another /and do not acknowledge me as their God."

9:4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends, /and no one can trust their relatives; /for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob, /and everyone slanders their friends.

9:5 -6 They all mislead their friends, /and no one tells the truth; /they have taught their tongues to lie /and will not give up their sinning. /They do one violent thing after another, /and one deceitful act follows another. /The Lord says that his people reject him.


9:7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says, /"I will refine my people like metal /and put them to the test. /My people have done evil- /what else can I do with them?

9:8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows; /they always tell lies. /Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors, /but they are really setting a trap for them.

9:9 Will I not punish them for these things? /Will I not take revenge on a nation like this? /I, the Lord, have spoken."

9:10 I said, "I will mourn for the mountains /and weep for the pastures, /because they have dried up, /and no one travels through them. /The sound of livestock is no longer heard; /birds and wild animals have fled and gone."

9:11 The Lord says, "I will make Jerusalem a pile of ruins, /a place where jackals live; /the cities of Judah will become a desert, /a place where no one lives."

9:12 I asked, "Lord, why is the land devastated and dry as a desert, so that no one travels through it? Who is wise enough to understand this? To whom have you explained it so that they can tell others?"

9:13 The Lord answered, "This has happened because my people have abandoned the teaching that I gave them. They have not obeyed me or done what I told them.

9:14 Instead, they have been stubborn and have worshiped the idols of Baal as their ancestors taught them to do.

9:15 So then, listen to what I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will do: I will give my people bitter plants to eat and poison to drink.

9:16 I will scatter them among nations that neither they nor their ancestors have heard about, and I will send armies against them until I have completely destroyed them."

9:17 The Lord Almighty said, /"Think about what is happening! /Call for the mourners to come, /for the women who sing funeral songs."

9:18 The people said, /"Tell them to hurry and sing a funeral song for us, /until our eyes fill with tears, /and our eyelids are wet from crying."

9:19 Listen to the sound of crying in Zion: /"We are ruined! /We are completely disgraced! /We must leave our land; /our homes have been torn down."

9:20 I said, /"Listen to the Lord, you women, /and pay attention to his words. /Teach your daughters how to mourn, /and your friends how to sing a funeral song.

9:21 Death has come in through our windows /and entered our palaces; /it has cut down the children in the streets /and the young men in the marketplaces.

9:22 Dead bodies are scattered everywhere, /like piles of manure on the fields, /like grain cut and left behind by the reapers, /grain that no one gathers. /This is what the Lord has told me to say."

9:23 The Lord says, /"The wise should not boast of their wisdom, /nor the strong of their strength, /nor the rich of their wealth.

9:24 If any want to boast, /they should boast that they know and understand me, /because my love is constant, /and I do what is just and right. /These are the things that please me. /I, the Lord, have spoken."

9:25 -26 The Lord says, "The time is coming when I will punish the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and the desert people, who have their hair cut short. All these people are circumcised, but have not kept the covenant it symbolizes. None of these people and none of the people of Israel have kept my covenant."
