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新共同 イザ 9:6-20

9:6 ダビデの王座とその王国に権威は増し/平和は絶えることがない。王国は正義と恵みの業によって/今もそしてとこしえに、立てられ支えられる。万軍の主の熱意がこれを成し遂げる。


9:7 主は御言葉をヤコブに対して送り/それはイスラエルにふりかかった。

9:8 民はだれもかれも/エフライム、サマリアの住民も/それを認めたが、なお誇り、驕る心に言った。

9:9 「れんがが崩れるなら、切り石で家を築き/桑の木が倒されるなら、杉を代わりにしよう。」

9:10 主は民に対して、苦しめる者レツィンを興し/敵を奮い立たせられた。

9:11 アラムは東から、ペリシテは西から/大口を開けて、イスラエルを食らった。しかしなお、主の怒りはやまず/御手は伸ばされたままだ。

9:12 民は自分たちを打った方に立ち帰らず/万軍の主を求めようとしなかった。

9:13 それゆえ主は、イスラエルから頭も尾も/しゅろの枝も葦の茎も一日のうちに断たれた。

9:14 長老や尊敬される者、これが頭/偽りを教える者、預言者、これが尾だ。

9:15 この民を導くべき者は、迷わす者となり/導かれる者は、惑わされる者となった。

9:16 それゆえ、主は若者たちを喜ばれず/みなしごややもめすらも憐れまれない。民はすべて、神を無視する者で、悪を行い/どの口も不信心なことを語るからだ。しかしなお、主の怒りはやまず/御手は伸ばされたままだ。

9:17 まことに悪は火のように燃え/茨とおどろをなめ尽くす。森の茂みに燃えつき、煙の柱が巻き上がる。

9:18 万軍の主の燃える怒りによって、地は焼かれ/民は火の燃えくさのようになり/だれもその兄弟を容赦しない。

9:19 右から切り取っても、飢えている。左に食らいついても、飽くことができない。だれも皆、自分の同胞の肉を食らう。

9:20 マナセはエフライムを、エフライムはマナセを/そして彼らは共にユダを襲う。しかしなお、主の怒りはやまず/御手は伸ばされたままだ。

TEV イザ 9:6-20

9:6 A child is born to us! /A son is given to us! /And he will be our ruler. /He will be called, "Wonderful Counselor," /"Mighty God," "Eternal Father," /"Prince of Peace."

9:7 His royal power will continue to grow; /his kingdom will always be at peace. /He will rule as King David's successor, /basing his power on right and justice, /from now until the end of time. /The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.

9:8 The Lord has pronounced judgment on the kingdom of Israel, on the descendants of Jacob.

9:9 All the people of Israel, everyone who lives in the city of Samaria, will know that he has done this. Now they are proud and arrogant. They say,

9:10 "The brick buildings have fallen down, but we will replace them with stone buildings. The beams of sycamore wood have been cut down, but we will replace them with the finest cedar."

9:11 The Lord has stirred up their enemies to attack them.

9:12 Syria on the east and Philistia on the west have opened their mouths to devour Israel. Yet even so the Lord's anger is not ended; his hand is still stretched out to punish.

9:13 The people of Israel have not repented; even though the Lord Almighty has punished them, they have not returned to him.

9:14 In a single day the Lord will punish Israel's leaders and its people; he will cut them off, head and tail.

9:15 The old and honorable men are the head-and the tail is the prophets whose teachings are lies!

9:16 Those who lead these people have misled them and totally confused them.

9:17 And so the Lord will not let any of the young men escape, and he will not show pity on any of the widows and orphans, because all the people are godless and wicked and everything they say is evil. Yet even so the Lord's anger will not be ended, but his hand will still be stretched out to punish.

9:18 The wickedness of the people burns like a fire that destroys thorn bushes and thistles. It burns like a forest fire that sends up columns of smoke.

9:19 Because the Lord Almighty is angry, his punishment burns like a fire throughout the land and destroys the people, and it is each of us for ourselves.

9:20 Everywhere in the country people snatch and eat any bit of food they can find, but their hunger is never satisfied. They even eat their own children!