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新共同 イザ 32:1-14

32:1 見よ、正義によって/一人の王が統治し/高官たちは、公平をもって支配する。

32:2 彼らはそれぞれ/風を遮り、雨を避ける所のように/また、水のない地を流れる水路のように/乾ききった地の大きな岩陰のようになる。

32:3 見る者の目は曇らされず/聞く者の耳は良く聞き分ける。

32:4 軽率な心も知ることを学び/どもる舌も速やかに語る。

32:5 もはや、愚かな者が高貴な人とは呼ばれず/ならず者が貴い人と言われることもない。

32:6 愚かな者は愚かなことを語り/その心は災いをたくらむ。神を無視し、主について迷わすことを語り/飢えている者をむなしく去らせ/渇いている者の水を奪う。

32:7 ならず者の手管は災いをもたらす。彼は謀をめぐらし/貧しい者が正当な申し立てをしても/乏しい者を偽りの言葉で破滅に落とす。

32:8 高貴な人は高貴なことをはかり/高貴なことを擁護する。


32:9 憂いなき女たちよ、起きて、わが声を聞け。安んじている娘たちよ/わが言葉に耳を傾けよ。

32:10 安んじている女たちよ/一年余りの時を経て/お前たちは慌てふためく。ぶどうの収穫が無に帰し/取り入れの時が来ないからだ。

32:11 憂いなき女たちはおののく/安んじている女たちは慌てふためく。衣を脱ぎ、裸になって/腰に粗布をまとえ。

32:12 ぶどう畑のために、胸を打って嘆け/美しい畑、実り豊かであったぶどうの木のために

32:13 茨といらくさに覆われたわが民の畑のために/喜びの家、陽気な町のために。

32:14 宮殿は捨てられ、町のにぎわいはうせ/見張りの塔のある砦の丘は/とこしえに裸の山となり/野ろばが喜び/家畜の群れが草をはむ所となる。

TEV イザ 32:1-14

32:1 Some day there will be a king who rules with integrity, and national leaders who govern with justice.

32:2 Each of them will be like a shelter from the wind and a place to hide from storms. They will be like streams flowing in a desert, like the shadow of a giant rock in a barren land.

32:3 Their eyes and ears will be open to the needs of the people.

32:4 They will not be impatient any longer, but they will act with understanding and will say what they mean.

32:5 No one will think that a fool is honorable or say that a scoundrel is honest.

32:6 A fool speaks foolishly and thinks up evil things to do. What he does and what he says are an insult to the Lord, and he never feeds the hungry or gives thirsty people anything to drink.

32:7 A stupid person is evil and does evil things; he plots to ruin the poor with lies and to keep them from getting their rights.

32:8 But an honorable person acts honestly and stands firm for what is right.

32:9 You women who live an easy life, free from worries, listen to what I am saying.

32:10 You may be satisfied now, but this time next year you will be in despair because there will be no grapes for you to gather.

32:11 You have been living an easy life, free from worries; but now, tremble with fear! Strip off your clothes and tie rags around your waist.

32:12 Beat your breasts in grief because the fertile fields and the vineyards have been destroyed,

32:13 and thorn bushes and briers are growing on my people's land. Weep for all the houses where people were happy and for the city that was full of life.

32:14 Even the palace will be abandoned and the capital city totally deserted. Homes and the forts that guarded them will be in ruins forever. Wild donkeys will roam there, and sheep will find pasture there.