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新共同 イザ 51:1-6

51:1 わたしに聞け、正しさを求める人/主を尋ね求める人よ。あなたたちが切り出されてきた元の岩/掘り出された岩穴に目を注げ。

51:2 あなたたちの父アブラハム/あなたたちを産んだ母サラに目を注げ。わたしはひとりであった彼を呼び/彼を祝福して子孫を増やした。

51:3 主はシオンを慰め/そのすべての廃虚を慰め/荒れ野をエデンの園とし/荒れ地を主の園とされる。そこには喜びと楽しみ、感謝の歌声が響く。

51:4 わたしの民よ、心してわたしに聞け。わたしの国よ、わたしに耳を向けよ。教えはわたしのもとから出る。わたしは瞬く間に/わたしの裁きをすべての人の光として輝かす。

51:5 わたしの正義は近く、わたしの救いは現れ/わたしの腕は諸国の民を裁く。島々はわたしに望みをおき/わたしの腕を待ち望む。

51:6 天に向かって目を上げ/下に広がる地を見渡せ。天が煙のように消え、地が衣のように朽ち/地に住む者もまた、ぶよのように死に果てても/わたしの救いはとこしえに続き/わたしの恵みの業が絶えることはない。

TEV イザ 51:1-6

51:1 The Lord says, /"Listen to me, you that want to be saved, /you that come to me for help. /Think of the rock from which you came, /the quarry from which you were cut.

51:2 Think of your ancestor, Abraham, /and of Sarah, from whom you are descended. /When I called Abraham, he was childless, /but I blessed him and gave him children; /I made his descendants numerous.

51:3 "I will show compassion to Jerusalem, /to all who live in her ruins. /Though her land is a desert, I will make it a garden, /like the garden I planted in Eden. /Joy and gladness will be there, /and songs of praise and thanks to me.

51:4 "Listen to me, my people, /listen to what I say: /I give my teaching to the nations; /my laws will bring them light.

51:5 I will come quickly and save them; /the time of my victory is near. /I myself will rule over the nations. /Distant lands wait for me to come; /they wait with hope for me to save them.

51:6 Look up at the heavens; look at the earth! /The heavens will disappear like smoke; /the earth will wear out like old clothing, /and all its people will die like flies. /But the deliverance I bring will last forever; /my victory will be final.