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新共同 イザ 51:7-11

51:7 わたしに聞け/正しさを知り、わたしの教えを心におく民よ。人に嘲られることを恐れるな。ののしられてもおののくな。

51:8 彼らはしみに食われる衣/虫に食い尽くされる羊毛にすぎない。わたしの恵みの業はとこしえに続き/わたしの救いは代々に永らえる。

51:9 奮い立て、奮い立て/力をまとえ、主の御腕よ。奮い立て、代々とこしえに/遠い昔の日々のように。ラハブを切り裂き、竜を貫いたのは/あなたではなかったか。

51:10 海を、大いなる淵の水を、干上がらせ/深い海の底に道を開いて/贖われた人々を通らせたのは/あなたではなかったか。

51:11 主に贖われた人々は帰って来て/喜びの歌をうたいながらシオンに入る。頭にとこしえの喜びをいただき/喜びと楽しみを得/嘆きと悲しみは消え去る。

TEV イザ 51:7-11

51:7 "Listen to me, you that know what is right, /who have my teaching fixed in your hearts. /Do not be afraid when people taunt and insult you;

51:8 they will vanish like moth-eaten clothing! /But the deliverance I bring will last forever; /my victory will endure for all time."

51:9 Wake up, Lord, and help us! /Use your power and save us; /use it as you did in ancient times. /It was you that cut the sea monster Rahab to pieces.

51:10 It was you also who dried up the sea /and made a path through the water, /so that those you were saving could cross.

51:11 Those whom you have rescued /will reach Jerusalem with gladness, /singing and shouting for joy. /They will be happy forever, /forever free from sorrow and grief.